New Talent
Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID)
Paula Te
»Yoguide uses the smartphone, our everyday companion, to seize on the benefits of modern computer vision and data analysis to solve a specific problem of visually-impaired people. Yoguide demonstrates the positive power of tech that can guide blind people throughout exercises and offer valuable feedback that otherwise they would be lacking. With this, the app can build up the confidence to learn, practice and enjoy yoga in the comfort of the home. The jury values this innovative approach to assistive tech. All the same, the jury notes the concept’s high market relevance, since it can well prove convenient for a broader target group – especially in times of physical distancing and increased time spent at home.«
Stephanie Hölzlwimmer
And the Award goes to....
Three questions for the project team
1. What was the particular challenge of the project from a UX point of view?
It was a student project where the topic could be anything of choice. In such a broad area of possibilities, putting your own constraints for exploring a brand new problem area I knew nothing about was tough. Narrowing it down, figuring out, dispelling the ambiguity, and finding the right opportunity was quite challenging. On the plus side, though, I had no biases going in. More challenges were making it completely accessible, cheap, and something that fits well with daily use.
2. What was your personal highlight in the development process? Was there an aha!-moment, was there a low point?
The aha moment came during a co-creation session with an expert in the field. We came up with principles together, decided to go ahead with yoga, and came up with a basic concept that evolved to what you see in the prototype and final video. For me, it was also amazing to see the development of prototypes over different interviews and testing sessions. There were many highs and lows throughout, but the lowest points were towards the start when it felt hard to understand a brand new problem space.
3. Where do you see yourself and the project in the next five years?
Hopefully, in 5 years there will be millions of people around the world using Yoguide to exercise and stay mentally and physically fit from their homes using just their phones.