++ Winners Autumn 2024 Announced! ➜ View ++ Be the Next Winner ➜ How to Enter

++ Winners Autumn 2024 Announced! ➜ View ++ Be the Next Winner ➜ How to Enter

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Stephanie Hölzlwimmer

Head of product area "Comfort and Well-being", Bosch Thermotechnik GmbH

Expert on Design Thinking and UX in corporate organizations

Stephanie Hölzlwimmer works as Director Innovation and UX at BOSCH Connected Mobility Solutions. This is a still-young Bosch division with the purpose to shape the future of mobility with connected services.

Stephanie is responsible for building a user-centered innovation system by leveraging design thinking and UX/UI design approaches. Her mission is to empower innovation and product development teams to create fascinating user- driven digital services for B2B-customers and partners.

Stephanie became a human-centered design enthusiast – and a HPI d.school certified DT coach – as Head of Product Management at BOSCH Power Tools where she pioneered the application of user-centric collaborative working methods in international, interdisciplinary product development teams.