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++ Nominees Announced! ➜ Cast Your Vote ++ Be the Next Winner ➜ How to Enter


Swantje Dirks, Daniel Ludes, Dominik Arnold, Oliver Gehrke







Design Studio / Department

appmotion GmbH

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Three questions for the project team

What was the particular challenge of the project from a UX point of view?
From a UX perspective, the primary challenge was facilitating barrier-free access to customer consultations for non-native speakers, a demographic previously underserved in this domain. Our project confronted this by implementing transcription, live translation, and ready-to-send modules within the digital consultation platform. This approach dramatically expanded our service's inclusivity, offering consultations in up to 120 languages with real-time transcription and translation. This innovation not only enhanced the user experience but also aligned with our commitment to accessibility, ensuring that language barriers no longer impede access to vital solar energy consultations.

What was your personal highlight in the development process? Was there an aha!-moment, was there a low point?
A key moment was during the pre-release training for customer consultants. Initial skepticism, especially regarding potential workflow complications, shifted to enthusiasm within two hours as they saw the practical benefits of the system. This transformation, from doubts to positive affirmations like 'This actually works really well!', was a highlight for our team. Observing the consultants' workflows and identifying their pain points provided crucial insights for our development, leading to an 'aha' moment that shaped our approach.

Where do you see yourself and the project in the next five years?
Looking forward in the next five years, our vision for the project includes expanding its application to other enercity products, like heat pumps, which require extensive consultation. A major development will be replacing human consultants with AI avatars, revolutionizing digital customer service. We'll work towards a seamless integration with the customer center to make existing customer data readily available for both consultants and AI. This will enhance consultation quality and customer experience. Ultimately, our aim is a significant rise in solar system installations, leading to more satisfied customers and a greater contribution to green energy and climate betterment.


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