++ Winners Autumn 2024 Announced! ➜ View ++ Be the Next Winner ➜ How to Enter

++ Winners Autumn 2024 Announced! ➜ View ++ Be the Next Winner ➜ How to Enter


Feyyaz Çoban, Doruk Yavuz, Yağmur Gökçe







Design Studio / Department


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»İşCep'le Hayatım extends beyond traditional banking, offering a wide range of services within one financial ecosystem. It provides insights into expenses and payments, enabling comprehensive wealth management. While the super app concept is not novel, its unique positioning offers significant added value. The well-executed, brand consistent design seamlessly integrates third-party providers. The clear information hierarchy delivers a user-friendly experience, consolidating various financial aspects of daily life.«

Cagri Mercan Bozok and Oliver Kulpi

And the award goes to...

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Three questions for the project team

What was the particular challenge of the project from a UX point of view?
The particular challenge of 'İşCep'le Hayatım' project from a UX perspective was to seamlessly integrate a diverse range of everyday life services into a cohesive and user-friendly experience within a digital banking app. Integrating third-party products and services presented the challenge of maintaining a standardized and cohesive user experience. In order to ensure that these integrations felt seamless and consistent with the overall design language and usability standards of İşCep; miniapp interaction and experience guidelines were developed. These guidelines served both as a checklist and established fundamental design approach for every third-party that took place in İşCep.

What was your personal highlight in the development process? Was there an aha!-moment, was there a low point?
The aha! moment came when we realized the potential of integrating non-banking services into the app. Initially, the focus was heavily on financial services, but during a brainstorming session, we asked ourselves: 'What if İşCep could help users with their daily lives beyond banking?' This question led to the exploration of various third-party partnerships, such as home repair services, car maintenance scheduling, and even travel planning tools.

This moment was pivotal as it expanded our horizon and helped us envision İşCep not just as a banking app, but as a holistic life management tool. It was exciting to see how this idea resonated with our users during subsequent testing phases, validating our direction.

Where do you see yourself and the project in the next five years?
In the next 5 years, the vision of İşCep'le Hayatım as an everyday life companion will be fully realized. The app will become an indispensable tool for users, seamlessly blending into their daily routines and providing a holistic solution for managing their lives. From financial management to everyday tasks, the app will offer a seamless and integrated experience that saves time and reduces stress for users. The project will maintain its commitment to user-centered design through continuous research. This approach will ensure that the app remains relevant and valuable to users, adapting to their evolving needs and preferences. Enhancements based on user feedback will keep the app at the forefront of digital innovation.