++ Nominees for Spring 2025 Announced ➜ Cast your Vote ++ Next Award ➜ Register Profile

++ Nominees for Spring 2025 Announced ➜ Cast your Vote ++ Next Award ➜ Register Profile


Matthia Leyendecker




New Talent




International University of Applied Sciences


Jurek Breuninger

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Three questions for the project team

What was the particular challenge of the project from a UX point of view?
One significant challenge was designing an accessible interface that accommodates the cognitive and motor limitations of dementia patients while also addressing caregivers' needs and intervention goals. Balancing the complex requirements, including the desired psychosocial effects of the system, with the necessity for simplicity, required careful examination of interaction design and technology possibilities. Ensuring the system was adaptable to individual patient needs, while providing adequate stimulation without causing overstimulation, was crucial. Additionally, applying research methods in dementia posed another great challenge due to ethical considerations, accessibility of the target group, and result validity.

What was your personal highlight in the development process? Was there an aha!-moment, was there a low point?
During system testing with dementia patients, a remarkable and unexpected moment occurred. An interaction object displayed a freely licensed picture from the internet, depicting a family with a dog. Despite severe dementia and previous restlessness, the resident identified the dog in the picture, triggering memories of their own family pet from youth. Over time, she recalled the dog's name and more and more additional details, some of which even the caregiver was unaware of. This highlighted the profound impact of small stimuli in enhancing reminiscence, fostering meaningful connections to past memories as well as social interaction.

Where do you see yourself and the project in the next five years?
In five years, I envision the system making a meaningful impact in enhancing the lives of dementia patients and caregivers. Achieving this will require time, financial support, and a robust network to further develop and implement the solution effectively. Some intriguing insights emerged from evaluating the system with caregivers and dementia patients, offering promising avenues for future enhancements. I also see potential in pursuing a PhD to further research and advance the project.


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