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++ Winners Autumn 2024 Announced! ➜ View ++ Be the Next Winner ➜ How to Enter


Xinyi Zhu






United States

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Three questions for the project team

What was the particular challenge of the project from a UX point of view?
A major UX challenge for WAVS was creating a user interface that balances comprehensive hormonal health tracking with ease of use, ensuring users received detailed insights without feeling overwhelmed. Additionally, we faced the task of making the app accessible and appealing to a diverse user base, avoiding overly feminine designs while maintaining an intuitive experience. Privacy concerns also played a critical role; we had to design transparent and user-friendly privacy controls that assured users of their data safety. These combined challenges required careful consideration and iterative design to meet user needs effectively and create a successful product.

What was your personal highlight in the development process? Was there an aha!-moment, was there a low point?
My personal highlight in the development process of WAVS was the moment we first received overwhelmingly positive feedback from our user testing. Seeing users genuinely appreciate the functionality of our app was incredibly rewarding. The aha!-moment came during a user interview when a participant shared how WAVS had provided insights into her hormonal health that she hadn’t received from any other app or even her healthcare providers. This validated our mission and approach, confirming that we were on the right track.

Where do you see yourself and the project in the next five years?
In the next five years, I see myself continuing to innovate in the FemTech space, growing my expertise in hormonal and digital health solutions. WAVS will be continuously improving based on user feedback and new research, expanding its functionality to include automatic phase detection from users’ daily logs. We aim to integrate WAVS with a broad range of wearable devices, enhancing its utility and user experience. Additionally, we plan to offer WAVS in multiple languages and culturally adapt it for diverse global markets, ensuring that women worldwide can benefit from precise hormonal health tracking and personalized lifestyle guidance.