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++ Submit your work until 15 May ➜ Enter ++ Deep Dive with Award Winners, 2 April ➜ Register


Samuel Frischknecht, Anneline Cachat







Design Studio / Department

Adnovum AG

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Three questions to the project team

What was the particular challenge of the project from a UX point of view?
One particular challenge of the project was the translation of the rather complex and scientific topic of meteorology and data science into something that is easy and fast to understand without specific background or trainings. Even for a business application for professionals. This was relevant for the overall concept, but also for UX writing to find the balance between scientific accuracy and accessibility.

What was your personal highlight in the development process? Was there an aha!-moment, was there a low point?
One Aha!-moment was to see the very first implementation of the marker concept with realistic set of data on the interactive map. Until this point it was not clear how the information density and the marker style and proportions would fit into the overall design. It was not perfect, but a good baseline to adjust and retest.

There was also a low point with dissatisfaction about the early versions of the visual design (i.e. too many shapes, heavy use of colours). This lead to confusion and was not inline with the overall goal of simplicity, we agreed on. This made us to return to black/white wireframes, prioritize elements by relevance and re-introduce colours carefully.

Where do you see yourself and the project in the next five years?
Currently, the platform is undergoing a major reality check to find out if the platform adds the same value as for the involved businesses so far. Main focus will be on continuously collect and prioritize feature requests. If the current team will still be involved in five year's time is hard to tell, but we would be very pleased to accompany the climate risk journey in the future. From a product and technological point of view the future will tell how AI will improve the underlying models and the accuracy of the service overall.