Digital Health Lab / Josh Richman, Ixabu Gonzalez, Kim Im, Kyungmin Lee, Matthieu Chaminade, Megan Gupta, Philip Park, Young Jang
United States

Three questions for the project team
What was the particular challenge in the project from a UX point of view?
The Digital Health Lab at Samsung Research America collaborates with world-class institutions to run medical research trials. In practice, a combination of products is often used to monitor trials in the field. We set forth to create a consolidated, more efficient process for tracking all of the information and a versatile platform for a variety of stakeholders & trials.
Clio consolidates and centralizes trial information and data, allowing users to navigate and manage multiple congruent studies. Its tracking and organization of data on clinical efficacy, user engagement, and product performance are designed to streamline our process for FDA submissions.
What was your personal highlight in the development process? Was there an aha! moment, was there a low point?
The design team focused on finding an approach that would not only accommodate but would work well for any trial or user. Our key insight was achieving this through a modular design, which provides a scalable foundation to easily add new modules and progressively expand capabilities in future versions. Its adaptive structure also allows Clio to be fully tailored to each trial and customized to each user’s preferences. Through a seamless transition into edit mode, users can add/remove new modules, change layouts, and create entirely new custom sections based on the information they need.
Where do you see yourself and the project in the next five years?
With Clio’s modular, scalable foundation and adaptive structure, we envision it as a tool our group, our business partners, and regulatory boards will be able to utilize for many years to come to provide each group with valuable visual insight into trials’ real-world performance data. Our research trials often launch the process of creating cutting-edge health technology. The algorithms developed are the foundation of many consumer products for detecting and monitoring various diseases. Clio facilitates efficient and effective trial monitoring, allowing us to continue to be at the forefront of novel healthcare solutions.