Christian Wehle, Patric Sterrantino, Vladislav Panfilov, Anton Gubarenko
»The vialytics app excels by focusing on a specific problem for a clearly defined user group: municipalities that are required to document and maintain public roadways. Vialytics isn't the only product on the market using AI to identify road damage, but it stands out. The connected steering wheel hardware allows drivers to capture data in a timely and secure manner without having to interact with their cell phones. The overall UX is simple and gets the job done.«
Tracy Rolling & Gennett Aku Agbenu
And the Award goes to...

Three questions for the project team
What was the particular challenge of the project from a UX point of view?
The vialytics Smartphone-App is intended to become the digital swiss army knife for road management. Therefore, the biggest challenges included making the app: easy to use for Non-Smartphone-native users from the building yard, modern looking, but still providing big buttons and known components for the target group, providing very short paths for the most frequent tasks (like e.g. documenting a street damage), appreciative and entertaining to show admiration for their hard daily work.
What was your personal highlight in the development process? Was there an aha!-moment, was there a low point?
As the whole App got completely redesigned feature by feature over the timespan of several months, it was a huge highlight for all the involved persons when the very last optimized feature was released - and by that, the project got successfully completed. A great aha!-moment was when we heard that more and more customers just started using our app, without getting any instructions beforehand. Furthermore, we got really impressed about how many different use cases they fulfill with it.
Where do you see yourself and the project in the next five years?
Since its founding in 2018, vialytics has been developed into a scale up with over 60 employees. Over 300 municipalities in Germany and France, the state of Lower Austria, the city Prague, Maribor in Slovenia and two municipalities in Switzerland are actively using the system to check and maintain their roads. In 2023, vialytics wants to become the market leader in Europe and will increasingly address the US market. Our goal is represented by our moonshot: to have 400,000km of road network covered by vialytics by 2030, which equals the distance from the Earth to the Moon.