++ Call for Entries Open until 15 May ➜ Enter ++ Spring 2025 Winners Announced ➜ View

++ Call for Entries Open until 15 May ➜ Enter ++ Spring 2025 Winners Announced ➜ View


Yunjin Tak




New Talent


Korea, Republic


Ewha Womans University


Sujin Kang

Three questions for the project team

What was the particular challenge of the project from a UX point of view?
The biggest challenge was to prevent the 'service is too hard to use' phenomenon.
Originally, there were only services that were full of complex term such as CTR, CTA, and other terms that were difficult for non-advertising professionals to understand, so I had to avoid using complex data and difficult terms.
By eliminating the use of the original terminology, it was not an easy task to explain it to users. Therefore, I tested 20 different cases of UX writing to people around us,
I had to constantly check if it made sense, whether to include footnotes or not, whether to use research in a sentence, etc. I also tested how much information was easy to understand at a glance.
This process helped me create a 'usable' service.

What was your personal highlight in the development process? Was there an aha!-moment, was there a low point?
The most challenging moment was having to make it a project that Everyone would actually want to use.
As a design student, it was a tricky practical topic to tackle, so I had to consult a lot of marketing and advertising experts.
At first, I was worried about how well I would be able to tackle an ad service with no connections and a lot of data.
But I think it was an ah-ha moment when the hypothesis and UI that I had researched through many interviews and surveys got good feedback from the experts.
They said, 'It's an advertising service based on insights that poke holes,' and through user testing, I got feedback from users that it was very easy to use. I was proud to hear that my users found it very easy to use.

Where do you see yourself and the project in the next five years?
When I asked for expert advice, I was told that the personas would be great if we added more detail about why customers should buy this service.
Adding more specific benefits of using this service would make it clearer why consumers would buy it.
Because in 6 months, I plan to hire a developer and PM and start a business with this service,
I'm going to build a practical financial plan and a more robust business model, create an IR deck, and try to raise investment.
I will continue to think about how to make it easier for people to use the service.
In 5 years, I'd like to see Adease become a popular service and be accessible to 'anyone who wants to advertise' without any barriers to entry.