++ Nominees for Spring 2025 Announced ➜ Cast your Vote ++ Next Award ➜ Register Profile

++ Nominees for Spring 2025 Announced ➜ Cast your Vote ++ Next Award ➜ Register Profile


Creatim Web Solutions Ltd.







Three questions for the project team

1. What was the particular challenge of the project from a UX point of view?
The biggest challenge was aligning all the stakeholders on project goals. Typically in such projects, there is no absolute authority to impose strategic decisions. Each of the stakeholders may believe their particular case is the most important. Even so, the project team was able to bring focus to shared strategic directions while heeding the stakeholders’ interests as well. We had to ensure that everyone shares the same picture of what the outcome should look like.

2. What was your personal highlight in the development process? Was there an aha!-moment, was there a low point?
The most crucial moment was in the pitching phase when we figured out that we can cut out the “yellow pages” type of content. The portal addresses foreign visitors so we filtered out all the information that was not relevant for getting more users to visit Slovenia, thus making the portal content targeted and concise.
The next breakthrough came from the Slovenian Tourism Organization. Rather than explaining Slovenia through its statistical regions (as Slovenians commonly do), they drew on persona research and formed tourism regions that visitors can easily comprehend (Alpine region, the Mediterranean region, etc.).

3. Where do you see yourself and the project in the next five years?
Favorable user engagement statistics show we are on the right track and we have to continue with our optimization efforts. However, events like the Corona crisis may require that we push the user experience development in a totally new direction. We have built a solid foundation but now we need to ensure a continuous flow of new approaches, ideas, and tools.


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