++ Nominees for Spring 2025 Announced ➜ Cast your Vote ++ Next Award ➜ Register Profile

++ Nominees for Spring 2025 Announced ➜ Cast your Vote ++ Next Award ➜ Register Profile


Kamil Matuszewski, Marta Stec, Anna Gruszkowska, Karolina Olejniczak







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»The judges were impressed how extensively the makers of the two-sided marketplace ‘Training Hub’ documented their research, and by their solid approach to defining a multi-faceted and viable business model. This app can have a very positive impact on professional trainers who want to work independently. The experience is designed to help people find the right coaches they need to improve in their sport of choice, in their geographical area, and book sessions with those coaches inside the app.«

Tracy Rolling & Gennett Aku Agbenu

And the Award goes to...

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Two questions to the project team

What was the particular challenge of the project from a UX point of view?
The biggest UX challenge was to address the needs of various user groups from parents looking for the right trainer of their entry-level child to professional trainers - all across a wide range of sport disciplines including team and individual sports. The app was aimed for the US market, where sport plays a very important part of everyone’s lives so the audience was very demanding. The feature-wise UX challenge was to deliver the right onboarding for all of those groups that would play a crucial role when matching trainers and trainees. The gathered onboarding data played a crucial role in detailed feedback forms and overall leaderboard for each discipline, corresponding position and field specialization.

What was your personal highlight in the development process? Was there an aha!-moment, was there a low point?
The biggest personal highlight for all the design team members was the received positive initial response from the target groups. The feedback we received after conducting final usability tests was concerned with branding, UX, UI, and the business parts of the product. We managed to carry out the project through all design phases with exceptional results. And here we are - nominated for the UX Design Awards (and other initiatives). We couldn't imagine better results. It's hard to mention any low points during the whole process of designing and developing the product. Each phase of the product possessed various UX and business challenges.


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